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Who Is Liable in Driveway Accidents?

Within an instant, driveways can become danger zones, particularly for small children. Every year, thousands of children are seriously injured because the driver backing up didn’t see them.

Who is Liable When Potholes Cause Accidents?

All car accidents are scary. The chain reaction is swift and frightening if you unsuspectingly hit a pothole and lose vehicle control. The noise, sudden impact, and collision make your heartbeat race.

What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Hit-and-Run in Chicago

While not entirely different from what to do after a traditional car accident, there are a couple of additional items that you need to account for in hit-and-runs. Don’t let an unidentified driver hurt you or your loved ones.

Protect Yourself from Bicycle Accidents

Over 24,000 cyclists share the road with cars daily throughout Chicago. As the city continues to invest in bike infrastructure, it’s important to note that bicycle-related accidents are still dangerous.

school bus accident in Chicago Illinois

Who Is Liable in a School Bus Accident? Illinois School Bus Laws

The risk of collisions, accidents, and injuries to children is considerable as school buses are transporting our children five days a week, twice a day, frequently in heavy rush-hour traffic. If you or your child are injured in a school bus accident due to someone else’s negligence or a vehicle defect, you are entitled to compensation.

Worst Drivers by Generation

With the increase in traffic accidents and generational divide in license acquisitions, our team of expert auto accident lawyers asks: Which age group has the worst drivers?

How Are Pain and Suffering Damages Determined?

The trouble with pain and suffering cases is that everything can be abstract. This quick guide will help break it down based on FLT’s experience in the courtroom.

10-Step Checklist for What to Do After an Auto Accident in Illinois

We understand that while nobody gets in the car planning to have an accident, knowing what to do in the event of a tragedy is necessary. Our easy-to-follow 10-step guide highlights the most important steps you and your family should take after an auto accident.

How to File a Police Report After a Car Accident

After a car accident, you must file a police report. We cannot stress how important it is to understand the rules and regulations surrounding police reports, especially since state laws are at play. You could be hit with a fine or jail time if you don’t comply. To avoid any issues, here is how to file a police report after an auto accident. 

Difference Between Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury Claims

Hurt on the job? Were you involved in a car accident? Individuals injured in the workplace often ask if they should pursue compensation for their injuries through a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit.


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